The Sabbats
Sabbats are celebrated eight times a year. They all celebrate a cycle. Throughout the year acknowledgements are made to birth, life and death of all living things. We celebrate the life cycle of a plant, we celebrate the seasons changing, we remember the stories of the Goddess creating new life, the God and Goddess and maturing, creating life, aging and the God passing to be reborn (Wiccans believe in reincarnation). The sabbats are a celebration of the unending cycle that is life. It is also called "The Wheel Of The Year" beginnning with Yule (Christmas) and ending with Samhain (Halloween)- life to death, returning to life again.
*Useful Items*
These are a few useful things that Wiccans use:
*A Book Of Shadows: this is a book that Wiccans use to record their thoughts and feelings down in and also any chants and spells etc they have done.
*Candles: these are useful when performing spells and chants
*A Safe Place: used to store potions and herbs
*Pentacle: all Wiccans should posess a pentacle although you need to be careful you do not confuse the Wiccan penatcle with the pentacle that represents evil!
As I said before, I do only know the basics so please visit Razor-Skies site to learn more as she is more experienced than moi!